Spring Bat Walk in West Norwood Cemetery

FREE, but places are limited so booking is essential here
Join this magical dusk walk as we hunt for bats - we have enough detectors for everyone to have one of their own! Please click on the headline for more info ...
The cemetery is a rare and unique place to be at dusk. It's a little bit spooky, but equally stunningly beautiful. The bats use the cemetery to hunt at dusk for food and the bat detectors will help us see them as they whirl overhead.

This walk is absolutely suitable for families of all ages. We will stick to hard paved pathways and roads inside the cemetery, so buggies and other wheeled vehicles can easily be used. It will go ahead, whatever the weather, but please come prepared.

If you have any queries on accessibility please contact Kim Hart on khart@lambeth.gov.uk

This is a completely free walk, brought to the community as part of the ongoing National Lottery Heritage Fund project. You can find out more on the project website: www.westnorwoodcemetery.org/about-project

Other useful info:
There are no toilets in the cemetery.
As this event happens whilst the cemetery is closed, we are sorry but we cannot let you out, until the walk has finished - a max of 90mins.
Photos may be taken for reports and future publicity. Please let the walk leader know if you wish not to be photographed.
No dogs or alcohol, thank you.