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Opening Hours

West Norwood Cemetery has seasonal opening hours, please check the latest times here.
The times below were last checked 07.09.22

November to March
Weekdays: 8am to 4pm
Weekends and bank holidays: 10am to 4pm
Christmas Day: 10am to 2.30pm

April to October
Weekdays: 8am to 6pm
Weekends and bank holidays: 10am to 6pm

Cemetery offices - currently closed to walk-ins
Monday to Friday: 8am to 4pm
(Closed weekends and bank holidays)
Please contact Lambeth Bereavement Services to ask any questions about burials and cremations and/or to make an appointment to meet with them, please find full conact details here

Want to get in touch?
Do you have any general questions or queries, want to run an event or suggest an activity, or are interested involunteering?
You can use the form here to contact us and we will get back to you