West Norwood Cemetery needs you!
Events and activities, and general maintenance
There are lots of ways to volunteer with the cemetery. If you are interested in helping us run and host events and activities within the Cemetery, please contact our Activities and Community Officer Kim Hart khart@lambeth.gov.uk
Please also contact Kim is you are interested in being involved with the upkeep of the Cemetery. This might involved working with our Horticultural Apprentice to maintain the Cemetery to a high standard as part of a major improvement programme. Works might include mowing and strimming grass; maintaining herbaceous borders and shrub beds and looking after the memorial rose garden, as well as clearing general overgrowth, debris and rubbish.
Friends of West Norwood Cemetery (FoWNC)
The Friends also organise regular working groups in the Cemetery, and are also always welcoming to new members. For more information on the Friends please visit their website: www.fownc.org