• Norwood Forum

Wild Norwood: Our Magnificent Trees - what stories can they tell?

A chance to look though a window in time to reveal the hidden histories of the cemetery's many magnificent trees.
This guided walk is completely FREE, but pre-booking essential due to limited places, click on the headline for more info and the booking link ...

“West Norwood Cemetery, like many other public open spaces, contains a rich diversity of trees of differing ages, heights, shapes and forms. However, what do we know about where these trees originally came from, either native to the UK or introduced from other parts of the world, why they are there and what do they tell us about how this site and others were created, developed or used?

This is a 90 minute walk, led by Dr Iain Boulton, Lambeth Parks, (noone knows more about Lambeths flora and fauna!) around West Norwood Cemetery will look at examples of interesting and notable trees, revealing where they originated, and what they are, or were used for. This is a chance to look though a window in time to reveal a hidden history as well as tell some fascinating stories about not just trees but ourselves!”

This walk is absolutely suitable for families of all ages. We will stick mostly to hard paved pathways and roads inside the cemetery, but we may strike out over uneven ground so please get in touch using the contact details below if you have any access queries. It will go ahead, whatever the weather, but please come prepared.

Meeting place is the cemetery main entrance on the corner of Norwood Road and Robson Road.


This walk marks the beginning of this years Wild Norwood, the FREE community festival celebrating nature in our urban, inner London borough. Click on the Wild Norwood link above for more information on what else is happening over the two week festival - Sunday 26 November - Sunday 10 December.

If you have any queries on accessibility please contact Kim Hart on khart@lambeth.gov.uk

This is a completely free walk, brought to the community as part of the ongoing National Lottery Heritage Fund project. You can find out more on the project website: https://westnorwoodcemetery.org/

event date: 

Sunday, November 26, 2023