Interpretation Design Consultancy for West Norwood Cemetery

The London Borough of Lambeth (LBL), in collaboration with the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, has successfully secured a delivery phase grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for West Norwood Cemetery in London Borough of Lambeth.
LBL is now seeking an interpretation design consultant/cy with a high level of heritage experience and expertise to develop, design and deliver a comprehensive interpretation scheme for West Norwood Cemetery.

To apply, a fixed fee written tender response is required that includes the following:

• Details of your relevant experience and competencies of the person/people undertaking this work, and three case studies of similar commissions
• CVs of your project team
• An outline methodology for delivery of the brief, including your response to the consultation processes as suggested in this tender
• A project plan showing the work to be undertaken including a proposed timetable
• A fixed fee proposal with the number of days and day rates identified.

The deadline is 12noon, Monday 11 March when the completed tender should be emailed to Kim Hart, Activities and Community Officer, West Norwood Cemetery.
The full brief and other important information can be found here