Lambeth Heritage Festival: Trees, Woodlands and Landscapes, a guided walk of Great North Wood

10.30am - 12noon
A guided walk in Streatham and West Norwood, including West Norwood Cemetery, to discover some of the locations once occupied by the ‘Great North Wood’, and how these places have changed over time. Can we find remnant trees from that astonishing woodland complex, or the other ways people have managed and used the land?
This is FREE event, please click on the headlines for more info ..

The walk will cover Streatham Common, Unigate Wood, West Norwood Cemetery, and skirt some other areas with hidden pockets of woodland that you may never have known existed!

Where: starts at The Rookery Cafe at the Junction of Covington Way and Streatham Common South, Streatham, London SW16 3BZ 
This is a completely FREE event, but please book your places by email to: