Wild Norwood 2022

- Saturday 10 December 2022
6pm-9pm each day
This is a completely FREE local community festival, and everyone is welcome to take part, as well as enjoy.
This year West Norwood Cemetery is delighted to be participating in Wild Norwood.
Wild Norwood is a celebration of nature in an urban inner London borough and this year the theme for the Window Wanderland window trail along Norwood Road are the winter berries and seeds that can be found in the cemetery. 

What is a Window Wanderland? read on...

This is a festival where everyone can be involved - and it's completely free to take part as well as enjoy.
You make your own window display in your own windows - using cut outs, paintings, stencils, collage - anything goes!
Find some suggestions here
Then during the festival, you leave your lights on between 6pm and 9pm so your windows are lit up and your window display can be seen by people walking past.
Finally, you walk around your neighbourhood looking at your neighbours window displays.
How do you know who is taking part?
There is a Window Map where everyone registers their windows - see directly below.
The festival map is now LIVE
You can register your window right away - and all the way through to the very last day of the festival - but please do register your window so other people know where to see it.
Find the map here
and more details and other Wild Norwood 2022 events here.

The cemetery's window displays, can be seen in the upper windows of the entrance Lodge and these will be part of the finale event of this year's festival - see details of the lantern walk on 10 December.