Project Update - September 2022
The aim of the South Metropolitan (West Norwood) Cemetery: A New Beginning National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) project is the restoration and enhancement of the
designed landscape and existing structures in order to celebrate its heritage. A further aim is to better accommodate the needs of cemetery users and provide more facilities in the setting of the restored site. The key proposals for the buildings, structures and interpretation have been split into five works packages as set out below, as per September 2022:
Package A1
• Repair of 14 Heritage at Risk Monuments
• Repair of St. Stephen’s Chapel in the Greek enclosure (photos below of the exterior). Refurbishment to allow for future community use, including provision for displays and events in the Chapel.
Works have been awarded to Sally Strachey Historic Conservation Ltd early this year and started on site in March 2022. The works to St. Stephens chapel are progressing well and will continue into the new year. Many of the repairs to the monuments have almost been completed with work to start on the last few monuments in the Autumn.
Package A2
• Remodelling, extension, and refurbishment of the existing lodge building to create a new visitor centre on the ground floor with staff accommodation mainly on the first floor
• Reinstatement of a historic entrance at Hubbard Road and the creation of a new entrance at, Robson Road
• Repairs to the historic boundary walls
• Improved signage, furniture and interpretation.
The enabling works for this package were started earlier part of this year. The construction work package is in the procurement stage and upon successful award of the contract will start on site in early 2023.
Package B
• Restoration, repair and maintenance of historic landscape and infrastructure elements including roads, drainage and paths.
This work was awarded to idverde in January 2021 and was completed in May 2022.
Package C
• Repair of Baldwin Brown (LH picture) and Auffray & O’Gorman (RH picture) monuments.
This work was to carry out urgent works to two listed memorials on Historic England‘s Heritage At Risk register. The works were awarded to Sally Strachey Historic Conservation Ltd and commenced in August 2021. The repairs were completed five months later in December 2021.
Package D
• Sitewide Interpretation
West Norwood Cemetery from the 1st Edition 25” Ordnance Survey, surveyed 1870, published 1875
This works package is due to go out to tender Autumn 2022.